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Monday, August 6, 2012

Water and power are also political in Kenya

In this race for next general election 2013 in Kenya, we need water and electricity power that we still lack. Aspiring candidates are shouting yet we hear them saying that they are the best suited to sit on the coveted state house. In exchange, we want Kibera to stop being Kibera and be a standard living place with water, sewerage system and electric power.
These things may seem unachievable but they are if leaders get serious with what they mean. We want the rail to be re-installed and communication network to be improved. We want jobs for the youths, and when other leaders are busy altering the IEBC biometric voter kits tenders, we want a change in how we live more than change in how we vote for the leaders.
With the devolved government system, citizens must no loose the chance to demand for developments of their respective counties. Turkana areas where oil has been all along should not still lag behind in county economic developments.
We want water to be channeled to North Eastern regions of Kenya. And why is it easy to conduit oil from Changamwe to Uganda but hard to channel water from Meru County to Mandera?

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